As of the 19th of September we will be closing each Wednesday, this is to make more time available for appointments and admin work. This means that we will no longer have a drop in or any social groups running on Wednesdays. Our last Wednesday drop in will be the 12th of September.
We have made this decision along with our manager Matt to try and make sure that everyone who uses the service has fair access to the type of support that they require. Many people do not access our social opportunities but do require appointments to get support with benefit applications, housing issues and other 1:1 matters. We now have 382 adults accessing Number 3 with a staff team of 3. This means we need to make sure that we allocate enough time for appointments and related paperwork.
We will trial this change in hours until the end of December when it will be reviewed. Please speak to Claire, Jill, Julie or Matt if you would like to discuss this further.